This Sunday is our annual Christmas Tableau service at 5:00 p.m. It is a visual enactment of the story of the Lord’s Advent with scripture readings to go along with the scenes and music to enjoy and hymns to sing. This special service is loved by all ages and helps get one in the true spirit of Christmas. There is no morning worship service on the 22nd – just the Tableaux at 5:00 p.m.
As long as you have access to the internet, you can join us for worship no matter where in the world you are.
There are many churches in this world. With so many choices it can a bit overwhelming to find a church that fits. Here are a few ideas about The New Church so you can see if it might be a good fit for you. First, we are not a traditional Christian church. We do follow the Lord Jesus Christ--but we don’t think you are going to hell if you don’t. Second, we believe the Bible is not supposed to be understood literally. It was written and given to us because it contains a deeper “spiritual sense” that is really about our inner or spiritual life. And third, God never judges anyone. We judge ourselves by the choices we make every day in freedom. We are creating a heaven or hell within us right now by what we love and pursue in our lives. We simply continue living after death in the way we have chosen to live here, but more completely. These are a small sampling of the ideas that make up The New Church. Please join us for worship or explore this web page for more information.
We have choice. Our choices make up our spiritual character. It is important to know that there are good impulses flowing in from heaven and selfish impulses flowing in from hell.
Whether you’re looking for a warm church community, or seeking a more meaningful spiritual practice, we open our doors to you.
We're here to help help people grow closer to the Lord God Jesus Christ, and so find happiness, peace and meaning in their lives.